4 min read

The Great Resignation: Understanding the Phenomenon and Its Impact in 2023

In recent times, the workforce landscape has witnessed a seismic shift known as the Great Resignation. This term refers to the significant increase in employees voluntarily leaving their jobs to pursue new opportunities, reevaluate their career paths, or prioritise work-life balance.

In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the origins and implications of the Great Resignation, exploring what came before this phenomenon, its relevance in 2023, and what lies ahead.

Origins of the Great Resignation

Pre-Great Resignation (Before 2019):

Before the Great Resignation, the workforce faced challenges such as economic recessions, job insecurity, and stagnant wage growth. Employees often prioritised job stability over personal fulfilment, leading to a higher tolerance for unfulfilling or unsatisfying work environments. The prevailing mindset emphasised job security rather than seeking better opportunities.

The emergence of the "Quit Culture" Mindset (2019):

The seeds of the Great Resignation were sown in 2019, as a shift in employee attitudes towards work began to take hold. With the rise of social media platforms and the sharing of personal experiences, employees started to question traditional work norms and advocate for a more fulfilling work-life balance. The "quit culture" mindset emerged, encouraging individuals to prioritise their happiness and well-being above all else.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Workforce (2020):

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 brought about unprecedented disruptions to work arrangements. Remote work became the norm for many industries, blurring the boundaries between professional and personal lives. As individuals adjusted to remote work, they reevaluated their priorities, seeking environments that offered flexibility, autonomy, and better integration of work and personal responsibilities.

The Rise of Remote Work and Work-Life Balance Priorities (2021):

In 2021, remote work gained widespread acceptance and popularity. The pandemic forced organisations to adapt to virtual collaboration, and many employees experienced the benefits of flexibility and increased control over their schedules. Work-life balance emerged as a top priority, and individuals sought opportunities that allowed them to achieve harmony between their personal and professional lives.

Digital Transformation and Employee Burnout (2022):

The year 2022 witnessed an acceleration of digital transformation, with technological advancements impacting various industries. While digitalisation offered numerous benefits, it also brought about increased workloads, constant connectivity, and heightened expectations. The blurring of boundaries between work and personal life led to rising levels of employee burnout. Many individuals began questioning their career choices, seeking environments that prioritise well-being and a healthier work-life integration.

Relevance of the Great Resignation in 2023:

As we enter 2023, the Great Resignation remains relevant and continues to shape the workforce landscape. Individuals are reevaluating their career goals, seeking opportunities that align with their values, passions, and overall well-being. The lessons learned during the pandemic have highlighted the importance of work-life balance, flexibility, and purpose-driven work. Organisations that fail to adapt to these changing expectations risk losing top talent and facing challenges in attracting and retaining skilled employees.

Projections and the Future of Work:

Looking ahead, the post-Great Resignation era will likely witness a significant shift in how organisations approach talent management and employee engagement. To thrive in this new landscape, companies will need to prioritise employee well-being, foster a supportive and inclusive culture, and offer flexible work arrangements.

Emphasis on learning and development, career growth opportunities, and purpose-driven work will also be vital in attracting and retaining top talent.

Impact on Employers and HRs after The Great Resignation

Looking beyond the Great Resignation, there are several key trends and shifts that are likely to shape the future of work. While the Great Resignation has been a catalyst for change, its effects will continue to ripple through the workforce, prompting companies to adapt and evolve. Here are some aspects that are expected to come after the Great Resignation:

  1. Talent Retention Strategies: HR leaders will focus on implementing robust talent retention strategies to retain their existing workforce. This includes a focus on employee well-being, offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, providing opportunities for growth and development, and creating a supportive and inclusive work culture. Companies will invest in initiatives to foster employee engagement and satisfaction, recognising the value of retaining experienced and skilled employees.
  2. Hybrid Work Models: Remote work has become mainstream during the Great Resignation, and it is likely to persist in various forms. Hybrid work models, combining remote and in-person work, will gain prominence. Employers will design flexible work arrangements that accommodate individual preferences and provide a balance between the benefits of remote work and the advantages of in-person collaboration. This hybrid approach will allow employees to enjoy the flexibility and autonomy they desire while fostering collaboration and social interaction.
  3. Focus on Well-being and Mental Health: The Great Resignation has highlighted the importance of employee well-being and mental health. Employers will focus on creating a culture that supports employee well-being by offering mental health resources, promoting work-life balance, and implementing wellness programs. Leaders will understand the need to address burnout, stress, and mental health challenges to ensure a healthy and productive workforce.
  4. Reinvention of the Employee Experience: The Great Resignation has emphasised the importance of the employee experience in attracting and retaining talent. Companies will reimagine the employee journey, focusing on creating positive experiences at every touchpoint. This includes improving onboarding processes, enhancing career development opportunities, providing regular feedback and recognition, and fostering a sense of purpose and belonging. The focus will shift towards holistic employee experiences that go beyond traditional job roles.
  5. Emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) have gained significant attention during the Great Resignation, and this focus will continue to grow. People & Culture leaders will explore creating diverse and inclusive work environments that foster belonging and ensure equal opportunities for all employees. Efforts to address systemic biases, promote diverse leadership, and eliminate discrimination will be key to attracting and retaining diverse talent.
  6. Reskilling and Upskilling Initiatives: With the changing nature of work and evolving skill requirements, HR leaders will invest in reskilling and upskilling initiatives. This will enable employees to adapt to new technologies, fill emerging skill gaps, and stay relevant in a rapidly evolving job market. Upskilling programs will be tailored to meet individual development needs and align with future business requirements, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.
  7. Purpose-Driven Work: The Great Resignation has reinforced the desire for meaningful work. Employees are seeking opportunities that align with their values and allow them to make a positive impact. HR leaders will need to articulate and communicate their purpose, showcasing how their work contributes to society and creating a sense of meaning for employees. Purpose-driven companies will attract and retain individuals who are motivated by more than just financial compensation.

While the Great Resignation has been a significant phenomenon, it is only a part of the broader transformation in the world of work. Effective HR leaders will continue to adapt to the changing expectations and needs of employees. Talent retention, hybrid work models, well-being, the employee experience, DE&I, reskilling, and purpose-driven work will be key areas of focus. By embracing these shifts, modern companies can build resilient and inclusive workplaces that attract, engage, and retain talent in the post-Great Resignation era

In conclusion

The Great Resignation has reshaped the way individuals view their careers and work-life balance. From its origins in pre-pandemic challenges to the impact of remote work and burnout, the Great Resignation has brought about a significant transformation in the workforce. In 2023 and beyond, organisations must adapt to the changing expectations of employees by prioritising well-being, flexibility, and purpose-driven work.

By embracing these shifts, companies can navigate the post-Great Resignation era successfully and create a workplace that attracts, engages, and retains top talent in the years to come.


  1. What is the Great Resignation?
    The Great Resignation refers to the current trend of a significant number of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs in search of new opportunities, better work-life balance, and improved career fulfilment.
  2. Why is it called the Great Resignation?
    It is called the Great Resignation due to the magnitude and impact of the phenomenon, with large numbers of employees across various industries and sectors choosing to leave their current positions.
  3. What factors are contributing to the Great Resignation?
    Several factors contribute to the Great Resignation, including burnout from the pandemic, reassessment of career priorities, desire for greater flexibility, remote work opportunities, and the availability of new job prospects.
  4. Is the Great Resignation relevant in 2023?
    Yes, the Great Resignation is relevant in 2023 as its effects continue to be felt in the labor market, with employees actively seeking new opportunities and employers grappling with retention challenges.
  5. Are specific industries more affected by the Great Resignation?
    While the Great Resignation has impacted various industries, it has been particularly notable in sectors such as technology, healthcare, hospitality, and retail, where employees are seeking better work-life balance and improved job satisfaction.
  6. How is the Great Resignation affecting employers?
    Employers are facing challenges due to the Great Resignation, including talent shortages, increased competition for skilled workers, and the need to adapt recruitment and retention strategies to attract and retain employees.
  7. What are the potential consequences of the Great Resignation?
    The consequences of the Great Resignation include talent gaps within organisations, increased hiring costs, potential disruption to business operations, and a need for employers to prioritise employee well-being and job satisfaction to retain top talent.
  8. How can employers address the Great Resignation?
    Employers can address the Great Resignation by implementing employee-centric policies, offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, providing opportunities for professional growth and development, fostering a positive work culture, and enhancing work-life balance options.
  9. Are there any opportunities for employees within the Great Resignation?
    Yes, the Great Resignation presents opportunities for employees to explore new career paths, negotiate better job offers, seek out positions that align with their values and aspirations, and pursue professional growth and advancement.
  10. What can employers learn from the Great Resignation?
    Employers can learn from the Great Resignation by recognising the importance of employee well-being, prioritising work-life balance, creating a supportive and inclusive work environment, and being responsive to the evolving needs and expectations of their workforce.

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